Overcoming Security Issues in Internet Explorer 7

Although IE7 is a safe and secure web browser for general Internet usage, it can be a little obtrusive when it comes to installing the required components for accessing the Diamond Online Desktop.

To login for the first time, the following may be useful. Other potential issues are discussed at the end of this article.

1. Visit the login page and enter your username and password

2. Allow the system to automatically detect the server which hosts your account

3. Select the options for sharing printers, disk drives and the required screen resolution

4. When you click Connect, you may be presented with the following security message:

Security message from IE7

Click the appropiate area of the screen to start the download of the required component

5. Once downloaded, the page will try to refresh but requires your confirmation to resent the data, such as the username, password and your chosen options. Simply click 'Retry'

Security message from IE7 (2)

6. As the page refreshes it will try to actually install the software; this also requires your approval. This is a genuine Microsoft component, so it is safe to choose 'Install'

Security message from IE7 (3)

7. After a short moment, you should be logged into your diamond desktop which on your first login will be mainly blank with only a user license visable

Security message from IE7 (4)

Other possible problems:

Internet Explorer 7 may require the site, online.diamond-discovery.com, to be added to the list of approved websites although this will depend on your security settings.

It may be neccessary to 'enable' the ActiveX component once installed. Again this depends on your security settings.

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